Trippy stuff maaaannn
At first I dissmissed it as a common platform puzzle but as you play on the story develops (OMG theres a story? no. But there is a meaning) so the MEANING develops, I was thinking whilst I was playing the final few levels: "which world is better, a world of poverty or a world that simply streches on forever?" Personally i'd prefer the world of poverty (but even still I would prefer even more to be in my nice little chair playing computer games till the inevitable heart attack claims my life, but that wasn't part of the options) because what would life mean if it didn't end? Imagine being imortal. You become older than existence itself. What next? There will be no next, or end, or release. But there has to be one right? Well it could only be found once the googlplex (it's a reallllyyy big number) amount of eternitys that has been fill with thought and ideas to reveal that release, your screwed. Doomed to float in a neverending nothingness.
P.S: This is the most meaningful thing I have ever expressed, and it has been shared with losers who play flash games all their life. Wow that sucks.